Kabaka’s Palace
Kabaka’s Palace
Kabaka’s Palace Based on the history of Buganda, or “Uganda,” the most important location is Twekobe. More specifically, it is the royal compound of the Kabaka, or “King,” of Buganda, located in Mengo, a suburb of Kampala, the capital city of Uganda. Situated in Kampala Mengo, the King’s Palace has a long history dating back to late 1885. It was established by King Daniel Mwanga 11, who succeeded his biological father Mutesa 1 in 1884.Additionally more it is called Twekobe which refers to working in one accord and it resulted in a union of over 52 clans thus establishing Buganda kingdom by then.
The Kings palace was constructed in 1922 in the period of King Duadi Chwa who achieved success his father King Daniel Mwanga 11 in the year of 1887 when he fled to Seychelles Island. Since the throne could not remain in place without a king, he had to assume the throne. Since he was only a year old at the time, he had to rely on the assistance of the three legendary individuals, Sir Apollo Kagwa, Stancious Mugwanya, and Zakalia Kisingiri, until he turned eighteen, at which point he was old enough to rule the kingdom independently.
The palace has four main gates in total. The first gate is called the Wankaci gate, and only the King, Queen, and Prime Minister are permitted to enter through it. the second gate is Kalala where king utilized to meet every beautiful women to marry, the Nalongo gate is a mother of twins where the kabaka’s gift can be received from and the forth gate is called Ssabagabo gate it’s only the king utilizes it to go through for personnel issues here he uses normal cars in hidden and no one needs to know that the king is getting out its done covertly by the King himself.
Curiously, a road intersects Twekobe and Bulange, two palaces located in Mengo that are connected to one another. This road passes through Bulange in a straight line, mirroring Twekobe’s path from the Lukiko building named Bulange. Additionally, only the King of Buganda has access to the pass, which is locally known as Natawetwa and is situated in the centre of the circle. Bulange is a part of the palace as well. Due to its enormous land holdings, over 56 trees were planted on its outside, each of which represents a Buganda clan. Additionally, over 154 trees can be found within the Twekobe, each of which has a symbolic value.
On the other hand, the palace sits on top of Mengo hill and offers wonderful view of the city and other gorgeous selling point inside and outside the gate like the fire palace which is located at the main entrance of the palace it is intended to keep burning day and night and the person in charge of it is must be coming from the lineage of the Nyonyi Nakasinge who has to keep it burning. There is also assault chamber where Idi Amin murdered thousands of people in one cell both men and women for no reason.
Here are a few salient details regarding each of the palace’s appealing locations;
Twekobe Palace is a popular tourist safari destination on Kampala City Tours because of its numerous unique features. Thousands of tourists have visited the palace to learn more about Idi Amin’s history and to verify that it is indeed the location where Idi Amin Dada tortured millions of people. Guiding you through the entire historical background of the monarchs who have governed the Kingdom since prehistoric times. Right now, the King who is in power is His Excellent Ronald Muwenda Muteebi 11.
The native name for the fire place is Ekyooto, and it burns day and night. The person in charge of it, Mr Kyeyune, is from the Nyonyi Nakisinge “Bird” line. He lives in Kyagwe and is responsible for gathering the wood needed to keep the fire burning.
The Kabaka’s palace is a popular tourist safari destination that has contributed significantly to Uganda’s travel industry. Among these is the torture chamber, which was constructed between 1971 and 1972 while Idi Amin was in power and serving as the acting president of Uganda. Since the Israelites were skilled builders at the time, Idi Amin was the one who used them to create the chamber.
Initially, he constructed an armoury, which he eventually converted into a torture chamber. The chamber had a five-inch iron door and an electrified pool inside. Its purpose was to shock anyone attempting to break free from the cell with electricity right then and there. It was truly an agonizing environment, with each cell having to house over hundreds of people without windows or ventilators. Every year, a growing number of visitors arrive to explore this chamber’s historical background.
Experience one of the greatest African traditional sites, “the Twekobe” King Palace, which has drawn a lot of tourists to Kampala City Tour. Visit now you will get to understand and know. The Kabaka’s palace is one of the stunning safari destinations to learn about the Baganda people and Ugandan history. On top of that their other cultural sites within the palace that you will discover during the tour. The resident guide will share the Buganda history dating back to 800 years and more about the Kingdom.