Sipi Falls

Sipi Falls

Sipi Falls

 Sipi falls are a phenomenon safari destination that attract a lot of visitors each year, both domestic and international tourists. The falls are a sequence of three significant waterfalls, with the longest drops as high as 100 metres, and are widely considered to be one of the most romantic spots in all of Uganda. The second waterfall includes an upper cascade that leads up to the main drop, which is 75 metres below. The height of the third waterfall, which reaches 85 metres, is very impressive.

Sipi falls have a brisk flow with mist, and when the sun touches it, it makes miniature rainbows. However, there are a plethora of other waterfalls in the area that are not as notable. They have the potential to be a lovely setting in which to spend some quality time with someone you care about. The water that feeds the falls comes from a stream that originates on the slopes of Mountain Elgon.The falls are located in Eastern Uganda in the Kapchorwa District, which is north east between Mbale and Sironko. Their coordinates are 1.20’16’N 34.22’46’E. They are on the edge of Mount Elgon National Park, which is close to the Kenyan border, and they are around 55 kilometres north of the Mbale District.

sipi falls

The trail to the summit of Mountain Elgon typically begins at Sipi Falls, making it a popular starting location for hikers on a safari. The calm weather, the icy water that some people say has a therapeutic effect when dove into, and the surrounding Bugisu Arabica coffee plantations all contribute to the falls’ popularity as a tourist destination. Around 1600 metres in altitude is ideal for growing Arabica coffee, according to experts.  The awe-inspiring waterfalls got their name from the nearby river, which was named for a native plant known as the “sep” that grew along the riverbanks. This plant is used for medical purposes, such as treating measles and fever, and resembles a form of wild banana. It has transparent green fronds with a bolt of crimson red in the middle of each frond. According to the urban legends of the area, a group of British tourists reportedly discovered a woman collecting wild plants in a neighboring plantation and asked her what the name of the waterfalls was. She had the mistaken impression that they were asking for the name of the plant, so she responded with “sep.”

Activities to do at Sipi Falls.

Hiking Sipi Falls.

 Visitors to Sipi Falls have the option of engaging in some excellent hiking safari while they are there. You have your choice between a number of well-known waterfall hikes. These might be as short and easy as fifteen minutes, or they can be as long and demanding as all-day excursions. On the other hand, the refreshing breeze that the Sipi falls provides will be a great source of comfort.

Visiting Sipi Arabica Coffee plantations.

 Arabica coffee plantations are another point of interest that draws a lot of tourists to the Sipi falls area. The plantations are centrered mostly around Mount Elgon, which features volcanic soils that are ideal for the production of this variety of coffee. This, in conjunction with the region’s generally cool climate, helps to guarantee that the coffee plants remain healthy. The plantations can be found in the Bugisu region, and it will be a lot of fun for you to hang out there and meet all of the individuals who are involved in the production chain of coffee, such as the farmers, processors, exporters, and roasters, among other people. You can even create your own cup of coffee while participating in the roasting and sorting of the beans yourself when you buy coffee beans directly from the source. The coffee is consistently regarded as among the best in the world and continues to garner admiration from consumers all across the globe. You will develop an appreciation for the process, which will make each cup that much more delightful. Pay a visit to a coffee farmer in the area to gain insight into the process of growing the crop as well as the farmer’s daily routine.

Mount Elgon expeditions.

Mount Elgon towers over the surrounding environment and is one of the highest mountains on a continent. It is also the second largest volcanic mountain in the country and is approximately 3,000 metres above sea level. Hiking on this majestic colossus can provide you, the adrenaline seeker, with an exciting safari experience.


 The sport of abseiling involves descending vertical rock faces and slopes using a friction gear that is attached to the climber’s harness. Abseiling descents can be organized at the Chebonet Falls at Sipi Falls. These falls feature 15 different sport climbing routes that range in difficulty from 10 to 35 metres. You can have fun going downhill, and you can also have pleasure climbing all the way to the top. Before engaging in the safari activity, check that you have the necessary gear, including a climbing helmet.

abseiling in sipi falls

Exploring runner’s previous adventures.

At Sipi, you will have the opportunity to visit the homes of national running legends, hike or run the same paths that they use, and while you are there, you should not miss out on the opportunity to participate in and experience some aspects of Sebei culture such as circumcision.

Bird Watching.

 At the Sipi, guests have the opportunity to participate in the internationally known activity. Immerse yourself in the natural splendour of Uganda’s wildlife and set a goal for yourself to identify as many different species as you can. It will be relaxing as well as entertaining. This is where you watch bird species like Lammergeyer, Jacksons Francolin, Tacazze, black-collared Apalis, Black-shouldered Kite and many others.

birds of sipi falls

Fly Fishing.

Fly fishing is a specialized form of fishing that differs from other forms of fishing in that it involves attracting fish using an artificial insect known as a “fly.” Fly fishing may be learned and practiced on a secluded section of the Sipi River that is located above the waterfall.

Pian-Upe Wildlife Reserve.

 Discover the rich variety of the country by going to the Pian Upe and looking at the local wildlife there. Ostriches are only one of the fascinating specie that may be found in the reserve. As this gives you unforgettable safari memories in your life.

 Mountain biking.

  Mountain biking is a fun safari activity that can provide thrill-seekers with the opportunity to feel the Sipi wind whip through their hair. Have fun and take in the sights as you fly by at breakneck speed, and do so while having the time of your life.

Nyero Rock Paintings.

Nyero rock paintings in Kumi, which are located approximately two hours away from Sipi falls, are among the oldest examples of rock art in the country. They are recognized as a sacred place for the Gods, and today they hold a significant amount of Uganda’s heritage as well as the heritage of mankind. Learn about the lives of ancient people and how they expressed themselves through art by submerging yourself in the past. Be amazed at how sophisticated and creatively they interpret life’s experiences.

When to go to Sipi Falls.

Sipi Falls is a beautiful location to explore at any time of the year. Because of its tropical environment, Uganda is warm throughout the year and experiences only moderate variations in temperature. Sipi falls itself is always chilly; in fact, it is cooler than any of the regions around it, and it is a perfect place to come if you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. As was noted earlier, going for a swim in the waters of Sipi can feel almost as nice as going to heaven, and the surrounding environment is conducive to meditation. You’ll find yourself praising God for his work in creating the scenery.

Where to stay when in Sipi Falls.

You can choose to stay at one of the several safari lodges located in and around the area of Sipi falls in order to take advantage of the pleasant climate in the region, relax, and unwind. In the event that you are travelling with a bag, the Crow’s Nest is an excellent spot to stay. On the 2,000-meter-high slopes of Mount Elgon is where you’ll find Cows Nest. It provides a breathtaking panorama of the Sipi waterfalls and the mountain’s forested slopes. Because it consists of a number of dome tents, it offers relatively few frills and is, as a result, ideal for those who are camping.

And if you have a bit more cash to throw around, the hotels and resorts are both excellent options for a spot to lay your head for the night. Among these is the Sipi Falls Resort, which may be found within the boundaries of the Mount Elgon National Park. Your experience at this resort, which is comprised of self-contained grass thatched huts, will be enhanced because you will be able to sleep in the same manner as the native people who originally inhabited the country. The resort also provides guests with a glimpse of the breathtaking Karamojong plains in addition to the waterfalls. You might also choose to stay at the Sipi River Lodge, which offers luxury cottages that have been exquisitely decorated and are ideal for those who enjoy spending quality time in their accommodations. Other hotels and resorts in the area include the Mbale resort hotel, the Lacam lodge, the Mount Elgon hotel, and the Noah’s ark hotel.

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